Selling property may appear to be as easy as just listing it, but there is a lot more work that needs to be done. You’ll need to go through paperwork filled with complicated terms and procedures that may seem confusing, especially if you’re a first-time seller. This is where a realtor comes in. They can guide you through the entire process and protect you from making grievous errors. Here are three key home for sale steps they’ll ensure you follow:…
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If anyone ever told you that you cannot negotiate during a commercial real estate transaction — ignore it. This idea is false, but it is true that there are certain steps you need to take to successfully negotiate during the purchase of commercial real estate. If you are in the market for a new property, learn more about what a successful negotiation looks like.
Identify the Market
It is especially important for you to do your research to identify the status of the market before you attempt to exercise your negotiation skills.…
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If you are looking for a commercial space, then your search should begin by knowing what you want and why. Of course, you will have specifics when it comes to what you need from the commercial building. However, what’s on the exterior of commercial realty is important as well. Here are three things you should be considering when it comes to finding the commercial space that works for you:
1: Consider the neighboring businesses around the space…
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