4 Benefits To Putting Business Documents Into Self Storage

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Businesses are required to save certain documents forever, such as payroll records, year-end financial statements, retirement plan records and tax returns and supporting documents. They are required to save other documents anywhere fromthree to ten years such as contracts with clients and suppliers, expense reports, inventory documents, employee applications and general correspondence, to name a few items. If your office or warehouse is overwhelmed with boxes of important documents, and you do not have enough space for items you need to access on a daily basis, you need to look into self storage.…

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Six Ways To Amp-Up The Safety And Security Of Your Home

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If you want to beef-up the safety and security of your home, there are six simple strategies that can help. Regardless of where you live, these tips and tactics will ensure that your dwelling is more protected, safer for occupants, and less visible to potential passersby. Consider the following six ways to improve your home’s safety and security: Invest in a home-alarm service. There are some intriguing home security systems that are monitored by a service.…

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Creating A Budget Panic Room

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These days, many people are choosing to install panic rooms (also known as safe rooms) as a way to keep their family and valuables safe during an emergency, such as a home break-in, terrorist attack or natural disaster. If the type of panic room made popular in Hollywood productions is beyond your budget, there’s still plenty you can do to create a safe area in your home for your family.…

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