Will A Chapter 13 Keep You From Buying A Home?

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A Chapter 13 bankruptcy can have an impact on every financial decision you make in the future, including whether you can buy a home. Although having a bankruptcy on your credit report might make it more challenging to purchase a home, it is not impossible. If you have a bankruptcy and want to look at single family homes for sale, here is what you need to know: How Does a Bankruptcy Impact Your Homebuying Abilities?…

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Looking To Move Into An Apartment Without A Vehicle? Prioritize The Right Features

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Living in an apartment without a car in a place such as New York City or Chicago should be easy to do. The public transit systems they have set up almost encourages people to live without a car. While there are many other cities that do a great job with public transportation, many residents still rely on driving. If you are interested in moving into an apartment and not owning a vehicle at all, you should focus on certain features because this is how you will ensure you have a positive experience with the apartment you pick.…

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The Pros And Cons Of Painting A Floor Before Selling Your Home

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When you are preparing your home to go on the market, you may suddenly start to see imperfections that you never noticed before. Suddenly that “homey” raw floor may bother you, and you may start to wonder how you can easily give a room a makeover. Painting a floor in your home can be just what you need to make a room look fantastic, but it is not for every home seller or every home buyer.…

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