Securing And Concealing Your Home Safe
A safe is only as secure as its installation, and without taking the right steps, your safe can simply walk out your front door during a break-in. In addition, the locking mechanisms inside your safe can make a great deal of difference in how secure it is. Careful model selection, proper mounting, thoughtful concealment and the right location can go a long way towards protecting the valuables contained within your safe.
Choosing Your Safe
Sturdy construction is important when selecting a safe, but more than this is the means by which it is locked once your valuables are inside. Overly simplified digital locks can actually be more of a detriment than a benefit, so look for safes with equally sturdy tumbler and lever systems. Be discerning, and ask questions of any salesperson you deal with until you know exactly what's hidden inside a safe's door.
Electronic locks pose a similar problem, because both these and the digital locking systems rely on a solenoid to engage and disengage the lock. Often, this solenoid is relatively small and easily jarred out of position. A heavy duty tumbler and lever lock requires direct manual operation in order to disengage the lock, preventing accidental opening or easy access to the contents.
Securing Your Safe
Avoid buying safes that don't come with mounting brackets included in the package. This includes very large safes that require two people or special equipment to move. Under-estimating the boldness of a potential thief is a good way to leave yourself vulnerable. These mounting systems should include heavy lag-bolts, and should secure firmly to structural beams or masonry.
To make your safe as secure as possible, concealment is a great additional step you can take. Tucked into a closet, your safe can easily be hidden under boxes, winter clothes or holiday decorations, but still be accessible by you when you need it. Another option is wall-mounting a safe, and some companies even specially design their safes to fit in between framing studs within interior walls.
Owning a safe is a great way to protect valuables, jewelry, personal documents and other items you don't want in the wrong hands. However, a safe is only as good as you make it, and by making smart choices you can greatly improve its effectiveness. Remember, if you're going to spend the money on a safe, you may as well spend the time and energy required to choose the right one and install it properly. For more tips, contact a company like Anytime Lock & Safe.